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GenerationLove Відгуки

Протягом багатьох років GenerationLove успішно об'єднує людей. Ми раді бачити безліч щасливих подружніх пар, які знайшли один одного за допомогою сайту GenerationLove! Деякі з них поділилися своєю історією кохання і дозволили нам опублікувати її тут. Якщо Ви хочете поділитися своєю історією успіху на сайті GenerationLove, ми завжди будемо раді показати її нашим клієнтам!

Wedding of Robert & Svetlana

Wedding of Robert & Svetlana

Hello guys! My name is Svetlana. I am a usual woman from Ukraine whose lifetime dream has come true with the help of the dating site GenerationLove. […] I knew that I would definitely find my soulmate, I just had to be patient and to wait. And my patience, my persistence have been rewarded. I have met the best man in the world and now I can say with certainty that I am the happiest woman in the world. My husband`s name is Robert and he is from Germany. Yes, we have already got married. However, I will start from the very beginning. So, one day I came across the profile of Robert and I decided to write him a letter.

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Love story from Anastasia & Steven

Love story from Anastasia & Steven
We met on the dating site GenerationLove. It was the beginning of summer in the amazing and unpredictable year 2020. In August we decided to meet in Bulgaria and get to know each other better. We spent 5 wonderful and unforgettable days together. […]  Steffen wanted to come to Ukraine and meet my parents and son. But due to Covid-19 in Ukraine, the trip had to be postponed until November. […] Every day I realized more and more that Steffen is a reliable and serious person who can be trusted. He made great friends with my son…

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Wedding of Olga and Peter

Wedding of Olga and Peter

I am very thankful to the team of GenerationLove, they do really great job. My name is Peter and I am from Austria. I am the happiest man in the world because I have the best wife! I decided to write a review and tell about my GenerationLove experience. I want to show that it is possible to meet your destiny through the Internet [...] My wife is from Ukraine, Mariupol and her name is Olga. I can’t describe what I felt when I saw her for the first time. I really hope that this story will help someone to find it's love!

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Wedding Katja & Helmut

Wedding Katja & Helmut

I have found the woman of my life!

Thank you to the GenerationLove Team, but above all to the local staff in Mariupol who took care of me all of the time, and with whose support I always felt at ease. Admittedly, it took a long way to find my wife Katya with her daughter Lisa, but this also had to do with the temporary unrest in Ukraine. Finally I have found the woman of my life on GenerationLove. I am very happy about it! For me a dream has come true.

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Wedding Victoria & Reimund

Wedding Victoria & Reimund

Our happy story came to life thanks to the GenerationLove. Big thanks to all the GenerationLove staff whose support Victoria and me, even in small things and questions. We started our communication on GenerationLove in October 2018. In January, we both agreed to arrange our first meeting. In May we had our third meeting, which was fateful. Victoriya won my heart forever. I decided to propose Viktoriya, I felt that she is the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. She said YES! We are married now and feel just happy together! Here is our Testimonial.

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Wedding from Elena & Udo

Wedding from Elena & Udo
Thank you GenerationLove! With your help, I have found the love of my life. One night I got idea I could search for my spouce in the Internet. I had heard that many good Ukrainian women are seeking for a partner. So I entered "Women from Ukraine" in my search engine, finding GenerationLove in my results. I immediately searched the Internet to see if I had found a dating site I can trust. Only positive reviews about GenerationLove showed up. I signed up right away and was quite surprised to find so many profiles of pretty women. One day later, I received a letter from Elena. I answered, and fortune took its course . We were married on August 25, 2017.

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Wedding of Tehmine and Mike

Wedding of Tehmine and Mike

Hello, my name is Tehmine. I am from Armenia. And Mike is from Germany. We are very grateful for the dating site GenerationLove and thankful for this wonderful work! Most of all I would like to thank the Armenian branch for all encouragement and professional support.

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Wedding of Peter and Irina

Wedding of Peter and Irina

On July 26, 2012 Peter from Germany and Irina from Ukraine married. They had first met in December 2010 through dating website GenerationLove. They have written down their beautiful love story to share their own GenerationLove experience. Reviews of those who have met their destiny on GenerationLove are the best first hand experiences and a great encouragement for other singles. Go ahead and read for yourself how Peter and Irina met on GenerationLove, about their first personal meeting and watch their wedding video.

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Natalia and Boris's Love Story

Natalia and Boris
Natalia from Ukraine and Boris from in Germany found each other. By chance, Boris came across the dating site GenerationLove, where he met Natalia. Everything started with some letters. Then Natalia invited Boris to Mariupol and the first meeting in person was planned. Boris talks about the first meeting: "She was much more beautiful, endearing, elegant and pleasant than even in her photos and letters." Both quickly realized that they felt more for each other. At the end of his first visit, Boris proposed to Natalia. But read for yourself what experiences Natalia and Boris have had with GenerationLove.

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Wedding of Oksana & Ronny

Wedding of Oksana & Ronny
Oksana from Ukraine and Ronny from Germany were married in January 2013. They had met each other through the online dating service GenerationLove. Initially they were only corresponding, until Oksana suggested a personal meeting. A personal meeting is an important test if two people really match. This first meeting in Ukraine was followed by another, and finally they both fell in love. They have decided to encourage other singles to find partners through their own story. But why not read for yourself this review, about their experience with GenerationLove, their first meeting, Ronny’s romantic marriage proposal to Oksana and a beautiful Happy End!

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Review from Oksana & Dirk

Review from Oksana & Dirk
For me, online dating was quite new and I had many doubts. By chance, I found the dating website Generation Love. For me GenerationLove is the best dating service. Since I know and can tell you more about it. At the beginning I had conversations with 4 women. Apparently there are only kind women in Ukraine. After a short time I met my wife Oksana and had stopped the conversations with other women. Oksana and I often exchanged letters and our love grow. Our engagement took place on 6 May. We are very happy together.

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Experiences from Jens & Irina

Experiences from Jens & Irina

I would like to express my gratitude for such good experience with GenerationLove and an excellent and friendly service. The dating site has helped me to find the woman of my dreams. When I first saw Irina's photos on GenerationLove, it was as if lightning struck me, and I was very impressed by her beauty. I often looked at her photos for quite a long time but I still hesitated to send her my expression of interest. Then, after about two weeks, I showed her my interest, and she immediately sent me a very affectionate response. Somehow I liked her from the first moment. Her letters were very emotional – just like myself.

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GenerationLove Review from Julia & Martin

GenerationLove Review from Julia & Martin

Many thanks to GenerationLove!

Does love have boundaries? No, it doesn't! After the death of my wife I started to look for a woman, who would like to grow old with me. I started my dating search on the Internet. The dating site GenerationLove caught my attention. On GenerationLove I met Julia. We wrote each other many letters. We talked about our hobbies, interests and way of life. Though friends and family were sceptical, I travelled to Ukraine for my first meeting with Julia...

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Lovestory of Yana and Ronald

Lovestory of Yana and Ronald

They had met each other through the online dating service She is from Mariupol, Ukraine, and he is from Austria. At this time Yana neither did know English nor German, but it did not stop them from communication and meeting each other over one year. All started with a casual correspondence, and at that time they could not imagine how lucky they would be together. Both were alone but they dreamed and believed to find their soulmate. This their testimonial.

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Wedding of Olga and Beat

Wedding of Olga and Beat
On January 22, 2013, Olga from Mariupol, Ukraine and Beat from Rapperswil, Switzerland were married. Both met through the online dating service GenerationLove. Initially, they were just writing letters to test if they share similar views of life. But their very first meeting made clear that it was true love for both of them. But read the review for yourself and what Olga and Beat experienced with GenerationLove! And don’t miss to watch their wedding video!

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Liliya and Savvas

Liliya and Savvas

I have never thought that it is really possible to meet a man of my dreams on a dating site in Internet! I must confess that it was just a simple woman's curiosity, which made me post my profile on GenerationLove! But when I met Savvas, I realized that neither a language barrier nor cultural difference can become an obstacle in finding true love... Now I know how wonderful it is to have a responsible, caring and loving man beside...

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